1st and foremost... HARDSTYLE is a community.
A gang of men "on mission" to develop discipline to be the strongest version of themselves. And become the man their family and community is depending on.
It's someone who mortifies their base passions by choosing the HARD PATH in life and doing HARD things.
Why in the world would anyone want to do HARD THINGS and/or choose the HARD PATH in life?
Because the way is HARD which leads to salvation. To FREEDOM.
A Hardstyle’er is a new breed of athlete: Smarter, healthier, Stronger, tougher.
Hardstyler’ers wage war against weakness… and WIN!
Hardstyle’ers NEVER "workout."
Strength is our skill, and that skill is practiced daily.
Hardstyle’ers train for strength, NEVER use machines, and "training to failure" is a four-letter word.
A Hardstyle’er NEVER trains into pain and puts mastery of skill before reps and sets.
College text books and the fitness magazines of the world will tell you what Hardstyle’ers are doing is impossible… yet it’s happening ever single day.
I’M A Hardstyle’er
STRENGTH is my skill.
DISCIPLINE is my pursuit.
SELF-MASTERY is my duty.
Hardstyle’ers are motivated knowing that at the end of each practice and each day… they are Stronger For Life!
Wanna join our gang and mission as we battle effeminacy of: mind, body, and spirit?